A friend of mine,
Jenny, always has great topics on her blog, such as a Daily Oh La La where she showcases an "Oh La La" dress, flower or cake for a wedding. I'm in love with the idea...so I've made my own - Friday Fives. I'll be listing five of my favorite things on Fridays whether it be about babies (because at this point in my life, this is my expertise) or my favorite music, etc. Stay tuned every Friday for a list of my fantastic fives!
Here's my list of 5 things EVERY new mom needs whether she's having her first or her fifth.
Tender Care™ Hydrogel Pads ($9.99): If you've decided to breast feed (breast is best!) I HIGHLY recommend these breast pads. I never had a "leak" with these suckers and they almost feel like those gel inserts for bras if they do happen to leak. These will be your best friends. Soothing on their own, or use with Tender Care Lanolin for extra comfort and relief. Truly genius!
Fisher Price - Soothe & Play Bouncer $24.00 (Target): I've mentioned this amazing baby chair in a previous post on my blog and I can't express to you how this saved our lives. Our daughter Lucy, is one of those children that just didn't like to sleep unless she had some motion going on. After a month of sleepless days and nights, I rushed out to Target to try and find something that would help her sleep. TADA! This was it and 8 months later, we are STILL using it...her feet hang off of the end of it and touch the floor, but she still LOVES it. At $24.00, this would we an excellent shower gift for a mom to be.
Sienna Backpack Diaper Bag - $44.99 (Babies R Us): A backpack baby bag....need I say more? I have a friend that swears by this bag. One, its a backpack - Two, its unisex (black) so you or your baby daddy will feel totally comfortable sportin' it. Third, you can fit enough baby stuff it in to last you a weekend!!!
Fisher Price Rainforest Open Top Cradle Swing - $155 (Babies R Us): ATTENTION ATTENTION: YOU MUST, I REPEAT MUST, HAVE A GOOD SWING. THIS IS CRUCIAL. The fisher price rainforest open top cradle swing is probably the best swing I've ever seen. It rocks either front to back or side to side - and trust me when I say, every baby is different, and our baby is one that didn't like the swing that rocked front to back. Not only does this swing give you an option for rocking positions - IT PLUGS IN. This is also a MUST. The price of batteries is outrageous and lets be honest, after all the diapers, formula, etc....that is the LAST thing you want to be rushing out to buy.
Kiddopotamus Swaddle Blanket $10.99 (Babies R Us): The SwaddleMe Adjustable Infant Wrap helps soothe fussy babies and helps them sleep safely through the night. Soft wings hug your new bundle of joy! The SwaddleMe stays securely in place around your baby with self-fasteners and adjusts easily for a custom fit as your baby grows. The leg pouch pops open for easy diaper changes. This gives new meaning to burrito!
Stay tuned for next weeks 'Friday Fives'!!