I've only lived in Phoenix, AZ for 9 years - 10 years in September. I've just recently noticed the difference between the so-called "westsiders" (peoria, glendale, surprise, etc) and the "east valley" (chandler, tempe, scottsdale, etc) girls.
I had a girl say to me a work today, "Silly girl, why are you wearing heels on a Friday?" Ummmm.......My response: "I don't feel complete without heels." That is what made me think of this blog post.
Westsiders are in a catagory of their own. I want to apologize in advance for placing stereotypes on these girls that I dearly love - because come to think of it - most of my GOOD friends are from the Westside. (however, they don't apply to said catagory)
Westsiders appearal on Fridays:
Sneakers or flip flops (which I don't have anything against the latter - b/c you will see me in flops on occasion on a Friday at work)
Sweatshirts or a cute (but not very fashionable) shirt. Something I might lounge around in on a Saturday at home
Hair up in a pony-tail
East Valley appearal on Fridays:
Designer tops
Hair done as it would be on any other day of the week
a full face of make up (natural of course for work)
I'm not saying that ALL "Westsiders" adhere to this, but most of them do. Please stop asking why I'm wearing heels on a Friday ever again. I like heels and I like to feel like a girl - a woman.
Thats my rant for the day.
Happy Friday - please make yourself look decent and not too relaxed - I know it's Friday, but always dress to impress.
Euphoria Definition Pronunciation: \yü-ˈfȯr-ē-ə\ Function: noun Date: circa 1751
a feeling of well-being or elation
a feeling of well-being or elation
Friday, February 26, 2010
A New Adventure
hCG Diet. Ever heard of it?
I'm trying it. Starting Monday.
I've gotten mixed reviews from people about the diet and when explaining this diet to people they kinda go "huh? Well that doesn't sound healthy."
I've done hours and hours of research on this diet - asked my family doctor (who provided me with this wonder diet) countless numbers of questions in the past week. I've talked to my dear Wade on the pros and cons of what this diet will be like for me in the next 30 days (ie, no drinking alcohol, no sweet potato fries for dinner, who more espresso in the morning, etc.) and you know what? I've decided to go for it.
Here's how it works:
The hCG comes in the form of either injections (that you administer yourself - yuck) or drops. My doctor only provides the drops - which is fine by me. It comes with a diet plan, supplements and physicals on the 7th day, 14th day and the 21st day - followed by a FINAL 30 day physical.
I paid $399 for this. But lucky for me, I didn't pay it out of pocket per say - I paid with it through my Flexible Spending Account - you know, the money you have taken out of your check every month for "health care expenses" - I'm assuming this is a health care expense because it went through with no problem. Yes yes, I know - it's expensive.
Step by Step instructions:
Day 1-27 From day 1-27, twice per day, very carefully drop exactly 4 drops of the HCG solution under your tongue and let it sit there for a least 1 minute.
CRUCIAL: Starting on Day 1 and Day 2 of taking HCG
One day 1 and day 2 of taking hCG, you MUST eat regular full meals. This means you can eat whatever you want during these two days. The amount of hunger you feel and how tired you feel the first week or two may be worse if you don't. (eek)
Day 3- Day 27:
This is a 500 Calorie per day meal plan. You must adhere to this calorie limit to achieve the weight loss results you desire (ie 30 lbs in 30 days)
The hormone balance that you may undergo with the hCG will direct your body to make up fort he low calorie intake by specifically burning the calories you need from your own fat (I have tons of that)
Day 28, 29, and Day 30:
Stop taking the hCG (continue taking the supplements). Continue the 500 calorie per day meal plan the same exact way you have done until now. This is very essential part of the program that gets all traces of the hCG out of your system before you resume a normal diet. If you do not continue the 500 calorie per day meal plan for the three (3) days after you stop taking hCG, you may put on weight.
Here's the diet plan:
Tea or coffee (no cream/sugar/etc - just black coffee)
No food
100 grams of protein, low fat veal or beef, chicken breast, lobster, shrimp, crab or fresh whitefish
One type of vegetable only, to be chosen from the following list: spinach, celery, cucumber, green lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, fennel, red radishes, chard, chicory, beet-greens, onion, asparagus.
One type of fruit from the following list: Apple, Orange, One Half Grapefruit, strawberries (one handful)
One slice of Melba toast or 4 Melba toast crackers.
fruit or toast maybe eaten between meals
One Lemon daily (oh joy)
NO oil, butter or dressing.
Water, Tea, coffee or mineral water ONLY.
*info courtesy of North Scottsdale Family Medical Center - 480-419-9924
I'm starting this diet out at (dare I say it) 152 lbs. You have the potential to lose 30 lbs in these 30 days.
I will be blogging my progress - gripes, joys, annoyances and hunger pains along the way.....stay tuned.
Pictures to follow!!!
Wish me luck!!!
p.s. if you happen to be in the Scottsdale area and call North Scottsdale Family Medicine - please tell them I referred you! They will be very happy!!!
I'm trying it. Starting Monday.
I've gotten mixed reviews from people about the diet and when explaining this diet to people they kinda go "huh? Well that doesn't sound healthy."
I've done hours and hours of research on this diet - asked my family doctor (who provided me with this wonder diet) countless numbers of questions in the past week. I've talked to my dear Wade on the pros and cons of what this diet will be like for me in the next 30 days (ie, no drinking alcohol, no sweet potato fries for dinner, who more espresso in the morning, etc.) and you know what? I've decided to go for it.
Here's how it works:
The hCG comes in the form of either injections (that you administer yourself - yuck) or drops. My doctor only provides the drops - which is fine by me. It comes with a diet plan, supplements and physicals on the 7th day, 14th day and the 21st day - followed by a FINAL 30 day physical.
I paid $399 for this. But lucky for me, I didn't pay it out of pocket per say - I paid with it through my Flexible Spending Account - you know, the money you have taken out of your check every month for "health care expenses" - I'm assuming this is a health care expense because it went through with no problem. Yes yes, I know - it's expensive.
Step by Step instructions:
Day 1-27 From day 1-27, twice per day, very carefully drop exactly 4 drops of the HCG solution under your tongue and let it sit there for a least 1 minute.
CRUCIAL: Starting on Day 1 and Day 2 of taking HCG
One day 1 and day 2 of taking hCG, you MUST eat regular full meals. This means you can eat whatever you want during these two days. The amount of hunger you feel and how tired you feel the first week or two may be worse if you don't. (eek)
Day 3- Day 27:
This is a 500 Calorie per day meal plan. You must adhere to this calorie limit to achieve the weight loss results you desire (ie 30 lbs in 30 days)
The hormone balance that you may undergo with the hCG will direct your body to make up fort he low calorie intake by specifically burning the calories you need from your own fat (I have tons of that)
Day 28, 29, and Day 30:
Stop taking the hCG (continue taking the supplements). Continue the 500 calorie per day meal plan the same exact way you have done until now. This is very essential part of the program that gets all traces of the hCG out of your system before you resume a normal diet. If you do not continue the 500 calorie per day meal plan for the three (3) days after you stop taking hCG, you may put on weight.
Here's the diet plan:
Tea or coffee (no cream/sugar/etc - just black coffee)
No food
100 grams of protein, low fat veal or beef, chicken breast, lobster, shrimp, crab or fresh whitefish
One type of vegetable only, to be chosen from the following list: spinach, celery, cucumber, green lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, fennel, red radishes, chard, chicory, beet-greens, onion, asparagus.
One type of fruit from the following list: Apple, Orange, One Half Grapefruit, strawberries (one handful)
One slice of Melba toast or 4 Melba toast crackers.
fruit or toast maybe eaten between meals
One Lemon daily (oh joy)
NO oil, butter or dressing.
Water, Tea, coffee or mineral water ONLY.
*info courtesy of North Scottsdale Family Medical Center - 480-419-9924
I'm starting this diet out at (dare I say it) 152 lbs. You have the potential to lose 30 lbs in these 30 days.
I will be blogging my progress - gripes, joys, annoyances and hunger pains along the way.....stay tuned.
Pictures to follow!!!
Wish me luck!!!
p.s. if you happen to be in the Scottsdale area and call North Scottsdale Family Medicine - please tell them I referred you! They will be very happy!!!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Optical Illusions on a Monday.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
GQ's 25 Most Stylish Men

I was pleased to open up msn.com this morning and see my lover (yes girls, he's MINE, all mine) Robert Pattinson listed as one of the top 25 Most Stylish Men in GQ magazine
That hair, those eyes, his whole being....YUM. I love him. wow.
info courtesy of msn.com:
The Best Head of Hair on the Planet
Young Rob’s probably got the best head of hair since James Dean, and he lets it fly. And the clothes? A pair of jeans, a T-shirt, an unbuttoned and untucked plaid shirt...That’s it. He dresses his age (23); he dresses to his strengths; he dresses so you don’t give a damn about how he’s dressed.
(and trust me, I don't give a damn how he's dressed - I rather him not be dressed at all. Yep, I'm obessed)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Where Did I Go?

The past few weeks have brought on an abundance of emotions. For one, Wade got a job (yay!) however, that is a bittersweet feeling to me - or it was - actually, probably still is....
Wade going back to work (which is super exciting for our checking account) means Miss Lucy had to start day care...which means ......sickness. Keep in mind, Lucy hasn't been sick since the day she was born, she's nearly 15 months.
On January 20th, Lucy Patricia went to day care and Wade Oliver went to work. We both dropped her off at "school" since Wade didn't have to be at work until 9 a.m. that morning. She did great her first day with us leaving - she ran straight over to the toys and played. I felt great and so did Mr Coplen.
That night, Wade was exhausted - Lucy was exhausted. I think I was on a natural high because I didn't know what to think or feel. My little girl was growing up!
We got through the week fantastically. I was waiting for the storm to hit - the only thing that was different was when I picked Lucy up all she wanted to do is cudddle (yes!) and pass out by 6 p.m. (yes!)
Then Sunday came......as did the storm. SICKNESS! Colds, flu-like symptoms (minus the throwing up) and a crabby, tired household. YUCK! Mr Coplen, Lucy and I had gotten sick. I decided to keep Lucy home on Monday so she could rest. She went back to day care with a snot-nose and a cough on Tuesday (bad idea) - I stayed home. I slept all day and quite frankly I felt really guilty because when I went to pick up Lucy from day care, the teacher says "I think she may have pink eye". Great.
One trip to urgent care later, I was sent home with the bubble gum antibotics for Lucy and a sick man at home. Oy.
Lucy and Wade stayed home on Wednesday...which made me feel guilty again. I wish I could have been there to take care of them since I was the only one feeling "normal". But I couldnt.
Here we are on the 1st of February, all feeling slightly back to normal (minus the mucus and coughing). No one can ever prepare you for the first sickness of your child. It breaks your heart into a million pieces, puts a huge strain on your relationship and basically just makes you want to throw in the towel.
But we're here, I'm blessed and I know now that we can get through it - with ALOT of prayers.
Thanks day care for the snotty noses, the horrid cough, the broken checkbook, the pink eye..and many many tears.
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