Euphoria Definition Pronunciation: \yü-ˈfȯr-ē-ə\ Function: noun Date: circa 1751
a feeling of well-being or elation

Monday, September 24, 2007

QR Codes and Physical Hyperlinking

Alright, this is my 2nd attempt at posting this blog, lets hope it goes through this time--or I may toss my laptop across the stinkin' room.

Had some down time today at work and my manager says to me, "why don't you read up on SEO news and you can report back to me after lunch". For those of you who aren't sure what I do for a living (yes, there's life after mortgages!), I work for a company called I'm a Senior Account Manager for a search engine optimization company. So in idiot terms (and yes, I am an idiot too), it means I take clients websites, optimize it to make their organic/natural searches in google, yahoo, & msn rank higher. Make sense? If not, go ahead and pull up Google in your browser, and search for "SEO"--read some of the links, its pretty interesting stuff! I'll elaborate more into my new found profession when I'm not exhausted and there's not music blaring in the background. ;)

So at any rate, as I was reading up on "SEO News", I stumbled upon a great blog article called: QR Codes and Physical Hyperlinking. Since its late and past Julie's bedtime, I'm not going to comment my thoughts about the blog article, instead, I want y'all to read the article and post your comments and thoughts! Sound like a good idea?? Come on people, its my 3rd entry and I want to see your participation! :)

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