First off I want to start off my saying Happy Mothers Day to all the mom's, Step Mom's, Mom's to be out there!!
Last weekend was a dear friend, Janelle's 30th Birthday and boy did we celebrate! She got a room at the Hilton Scottsdale at we had a blast! Me being pregnant, I wasn't able to enjoy the delicious drinks that were being made (ie, sex on the beach, Vodka and soda's and Margarita's) But I did endulge in a fantastic virgin Strawberry Daquiri! YUM!! I downed that sucker in 2.2 seconds! ;) Nothing beats, the Sun, good friends, lots of laughs and celebrating a day of birth! Happy 30th Janelle! And I need to add that this pregnant lady lasted from 9 am to almost midnight that night - dancing the night away! We were all impressed, however I was extremely worn out the next day and the following week! Phew!
Next, I'm not sure if I mentioned that we had our 2nd doctors appointment on the 30th - which I was expecting an Ultra Sound, but since we knew how far along I was and every test came back "absolutely perfect" - the Ultrasound wasn't needed - I was alittle bummed out, but then we got to hear the heartbeat and that made it all the better! We have a healthy heartbeat of 150 beats per minute, which the N.A. said was a "strong heartbeat"! My heart melted at the sound of that little heart beat!
We get to find out the sex AND FINALLY get to see the little pooper in June! The suspense is already killing me and I'm still thinking its a boy ;)
Lastly - I celebrated my first unofficial Mother's Day yesterday, which was amazing, yet alittle sad. First off, I was amazed b/c of all the calls, texts, emails that I received wishing me a Happy Mothers Day, when really I'm not a mother yet - and then also receiving an unexpected gift from our really good friend Darrell. I was truly thankful for everyone's support and love. Secondly, I was alittle sad b/c I couldn't be with my Mom, my best friend, to celebrate her. Its always so hard to be away from family on Holidays like this. But I know she knows that I was there in spirit and maybe, just maybe I'll get to be with her next year on Mothers Day to celebrate us both being mothers.
For all you Mothers out there, I appreciate every single one of you and admire what you do. For all the Mothers I know, I can only hope one day I'll be as good as a Mother you all are to your children, to mine.
God Bless you all.
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