But I do not, by any means, have all the money in the world so I settle for the Iced Mocha from 7-11 as a cheaper alternative.
Of course, as I'm sure all of you could agree with me, its not as good as Starbucks (because I honestly think they put something in their coffee that makes it so deliciously addicting that you want it every day, maybe even several times a day)
For all you southwesterners (ie, California, Arizona) that have 7-11's available, stop in a try one of these. If anything, you'll be getting the same caffeine and spending $2.00 less. YUM! Enjoy!
Happy Friday! Have a safe and relaxing weekend!
I took your advice and tried one of these this weekend...not bad! =)
I took your advice and tried one of these this weekend...not bad! =)
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