Euphoria Definition Pronunciation: \yü-ˈfȯr-ē-ə\ Function: noun Date: circa 1751
a feeling of well-being or elation

Monday, February 25, 2008

Our Cottonwood, AZ VW Trip

This past weekend, we decided to take a trip w/ about 10 other Volkswagon vehicles up north to Cottonwood, AZ (About 2 hours Northwest of Phoenix). No, sadly - my car was not taken - we ended up taking Wade's GTI, because lets be honest, his car is WAY faster and WAY sexier than my beetle.

We started our morning at about 7 a.m. on Saturday, after a couple drinks at Starbucks, we hit the road around 8 a.m. to meet up with everyone. By 9:40, we were on the road to Cottonwood, AZ. After SEVERAL stops on the way for photo - ops (which we were really annoyed about) we FINALLY hit Prescott. - - Annoyed and tired, Wade, his little brother - Will, Will's girlfriend, Krista and I decided to take our own route to lunch and beyond. And boy was that a good idea...

Question for everyone - Do you know that there are Vineyards in Arizona?? Yep. A whole slew of them! After lunch at Denny's, we headed to Cornville, AZ to try and find our favorite bands (TOOL) winery. Mission Accomplished! IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Words can't even express the beauty of this place, its like the best kept secret in Arizona. Winery's in the Desert?? Wha??

I've posted some picture in a slide show from our little vacay up north and we are SO excited to venture back up there this summer to do alittle wine tasting and enjoy the greenery.

A perfect place for a wedding, hint hint. :)

Take care!

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