Euphoria Definition Pronunciation: \yü-ˈfȯr-ē-ə\ Function: noun Date: circa 1751
a feeling of well-being or elation

Friday, May 28, 2010

Oh My Heavenly Goodness - Ice Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies

Picky Palate posted the most amazing sounding recipe this morning - Ice Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies - DELISSSHHHH!!!

You can check out the recipe (and TONS of amazing pictures) HERE.

Ice Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 sticks softened butter
1 Cup granulated sugar
3/4 Cup packed brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 1/2 Tablespoons pure vanilla
Heaping 1/2 Cup vanilla ice cream (frozen from container)
4 Cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 bag chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a stand or electric mixer, cream the butter and sugars until fluffy. Add in eggs and vanilla until well combined. Add in ice cream until combined.
2. Place flour, baking soda and salt into a large bowl; mix. Add to wet ingredients along with the chocolate chips; mix until just combined. With a medium cookie scoop, scoop dough onto a silpat or parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 9-11 minutes or until cookies are cooked through. Let cool for 5 minutes on baking sheet before transferring to a cooling rack. Serve with a marashino cherry on top
3-4 dozen cookies

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eco Stars - Recycled Crayons


Made from crayons collected from the National Crayon Recycle Program - Each Box ($8.95) contains 20 star shaped, solid colored crayons made from 100% recycled and recyclable crayons.

I must get some for Lucy. So cool.

You can get yours, HERE.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Why Didn't I Think Of That? Gogo Coffee

Our office just recently started this genius coffee service that brings you your favorite coffee straight to your reception area everyday.

Genius right? This company is called GoGo Coffee. Its a mobile truck that brews in your parking lot - walks it up to your reception area and BOOM - Coffee delishiousness!!

Not only do they do individual coffee orders, they also do meeting orders for those special clients of yours.

Their coffee is so smooth, so strong and doesn't have that "burnt" taste that Starbucks has.

Is your office looking for a service like this in the Phoenix area? If so, click HERE.

Not only is it good coffee, the owner is amazingly nice! Thanks Krista!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

What I'm Going To Teach Myself - Thursday

Why can't I learn how to Crochet? I have no answer - so I'm just going to do it.

My inspiration:

These are (well mostly) the NEW colors of my living room - the blue, lime green and chocolate brown.

I could go the easy route and buy it HERE - Because lets be honest, mine will NOT look as good as the ones above.

So cute! Stay tuned for my final project that I hope look as cute as these.

(these retail on for $10 - awesome!)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Borders Free Book Program!

Have a daughter? Son? Niece? Nephew? Neighbor Kid?

Borders has a new Summer Reading Program called Double Dog Dare. If your kid-friend/family member is 12 or under, reads 10 books - fill out the attached below form and take it to your local Borders store and receive a select book for FREE! YES! Free!!!

Download Form HERE

Info courtesy of Discount Queen!

Awesome Deal!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Read more about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico HERE.
This is one of SIX dolphins that washed upon the shore in Mississippi.
I pray that this comes to end SOON.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dozens of Arizona Bills Signed

An Article I skipped upon this morning which I thought was interesting for you people of Arizona who read my blog (if there is anyone that reads my blog)

Take a look:

• House Bill 2069: Allows a county Board of Supervisors to cancel an election for a school district governing board, community college district board, precinct committeemen or a special taxing district if the number of candidates is less than or equal to the number of open positions. The board can appoint those people to the positions. It also allows the county board to consolidate election precincts.

• House Bill 2145: Clarifies that a county planning and zoning commission is only required to hold a regular monthly meeting if there is new official business to transact.

• House Bill 2195: Requires the Arizona State Lottery Commission to create special instant-ticket games charities could use to raise money. Up to 15 percent of the revenue from the games could go to the state and 20 percent of the cost of each ticket sold would go to the charity.

• House Bill 2209: Requires all cities and towns to post public meeting notices either on their own Web site or on a Web site of an association of cities and towns.

• House Bill 2242: Creates new regulations for reverse mortgages.

• House Bill 2350: Gives qualifying Purple Heart recipients a tuition waiver to community colleges or universities in Arizona. To be eligible, a service member must be stationed in or be a resident of Arizona when injured. They also have a disability rating of 50 percent or more.

• House Bill 2601: Gives all Arizona Eagle Scouts or Girl Scouts who have received the Gold Award the ability to get a discounted Youth Class F combination hunting and fishing license from the state.

• House Bill 2684: Requires the POW/MIA flag to be flown along with the U.S. flag at the state Capitol, the building that serves as the location of the superior court in each Arizona county, each Arizona city or town hall and each county's main administrative building.

• Senate Bill 1005: Gives tax exemption to trap and skeet shooting clubs that provide shooting training and hold competitions, as long as the property and buildings are used for educational purposes and not used or held for profit.

• Senate Bill 1009: Requires a criminal charge brought against a juvenile to be based on the age of the juvenile at the time the offense was committed, and not the age when the charge was filed.
• Senate Bill 1029: Prohibits a law-enforcement officer from being subject to disciplinary action if there is no just cause.

• Senate Bill 1181: Establishes an Autism Spectrum Disorder Task Force to review and make recommendation regarding services provided to individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

• Senate Bill 1304: Requires a hospital or facility where abortions are performed to submit to the state information on each abortion performed. The report would not identify patients by name but would include the woman's educational background, race, marital status and the reason for the abortion. Facilities also must document information about women seeking care because of a complication from an abortion.

• Senate Bill 1314: Makes it a state public policy that, absent any evidence to the contrary, it is in a child's best interest to have frequent and meaningful time with both parents in a divorce situation and to have both parents participate in decision-making.

For more info, click here

Any comments on the above bills, feel free to leave them! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week 2 Weigh In

Last Friday I had to go in for a 'weigh in' at Dr. Brett Swenson's office. I was nervous!

The outcome of week 2:

5 lbs.

The week before was 9 lbs.

TOTAL: 16 lbs lost.

I think this has something to do with the failure of not being able to quit Starbucks. I have however, changed my drink to a Sugar-Free Vanilla Chai. But that doesn't make up for the calories I'm putting in. (Guilty)

Its one thing to quit carbs and sugar altogether...I need to have alittle indulgence. Right? I'm a Harmsen (Pivec) - I'm not THAT disciplined! Its in my genes to eat, drink and be merry (and fat?)

I go in on Friday again - for my 3rd week weigh in. I hope it's at least 5 lbs.

On another note, this past weekend we had a "girls" weekend - a.k.a. a birthday party at a Resort. a.k.a. a GREAT excuse to get our hair down and be girls (with the exception of our friend - my good friend, Janelle's boyfriend (who we've known for 7+ yrs), Sean. God bless him for putting up with Janelle, Danielle and I.

Fun was had by all - and let me say, it's TRICKY going out when you're on the hcg diet! No alcoholic beverages? No carbs? NO SUSHI!?!?!??!?! Are you kidding me?

Thankfully, my girlfriend Janelle was on a cleanse diet, so she wasn't able to eat/drink much either. We opted for Veggie Rolls at RA Sushi (minus the rice) and Spicy Tuna Rolls (minus the rice). And yes, I did have 3 glasses of wine at dinner. So sue me.

The birthday girl (Janelle)and I

(Madness in the bathroom - Because that's what girls do)

Ok, maybe 3 lbs I'm hoping for on Friday's check in. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!


(And a picture of Miss Lucy - 17 1/2 months for good measure)