Euphoria Definition Pronunciation: \yü-ˈfȯr-ē-ə\ Function: noun Date: circa 1751
a feeling of well-being or elation

Friday, August 14, 2009


Some of my friends think I'm completely crazy for buying CLOTHES at ...of all places.....WALMART.
In the snooty, snobby city of Scottdale, Arizona in which I live - there is a neighborhood Walmart that I swear to you - is like the Walmart Heaven. It's a super Walmart, but it's clean. So clean I could probably eat off the floors. (yuck, I would never, but I am trying to explain to you how glorious this Walmart really is!)

I was shopping around Walmart last night getting the basics, because lets be honest, in this economy and one income in which my family lives on, I will not shop at over-priced Target for toilet paper, paper towels and tampons. Sorry!

Since I'm a chick on a budget, I always check out their clothing selection and I have to say, Walmart is coming up in the world. I stumbled upon this FABULOUS dress last night that I am still thinking about today. (Which is my new buying technique, if I'm still thinking about the item/items the next day, it is meant to be) I will be stopping in there on me and Lucy's morning trip to Starbucks this Saturday.

Norma Kamali - Women's Cap-Sleeve Jersey Wrap Dress - $20.00 (and will probably be on sale within the week for $10 - I heart Walmart)


Click here for more clothes at Walmart

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